Feature Post

NEO Banking - A Future Digital Banking, Development Scope, Threat and Challenges

What is Neo Banking? NEO banks are the banks which has no physical branches. NEO Banks are digital only financial institutions that operate exclusively online through websites and mobile apps.  The financial services industry has undergone massive transformations from manual to Core Banking and now digital without any physical branch. the evolution of banking has been marked by innovations aimed at making financial services more accessible, convenient, and efficient.   NEO Banks offers services like below: Account Management: Account Opening, Checking, Savings, and Money Transfers Loan Services: Quick and seamless loan approvals Low Fees: Minimal or no fees due to lower operational costs Tech Features: Budget tools, instant payments, and real-time alerts Why Are Neo Banks becoming popular now? Convenience : 24/7 mobile banking—no waiting in lines. Lower Fees : No hidden charges, free international transfers, and zero maintenance fees. User-Friendly Apps : Seamless, f...

Sample Questions for CAIIB - Advanced Bank Management - Sample Questions Set 1

1. Net Interest Income (NII) is calculated using the following formula
a) Interest income - Total expenses
b) Total Income - Interest expenses
c) Interest income - Interest expenses
d) Total income - Total expenses

Answer- Interest income - Interest expenses

2. VaR means
a) Volume of Business at Risk
b) Value at Risk
c) Volume on Risk
d) Value as Risk

Answer- Value at Risk

3. The bond prices can be estimated using modified duration. The formula for calculating %age change in price of a bond is
a) Modified duration x yield change
b) Yield change /modified duration
c) Modified duration 1 Yield change
d) Modified duration + Yield change

Answer - Modified duration x yield change

4. Johari Window is most useful for
a) Understanding others
b) Self-Awareness
c) Working in Teams
d) Improving inter-personal relations

Answer - Self-Awareness

5. Orientation Criterion is an exposure to the
a) Group of people
b) Individuals
c) Small business
d) Both b&c

Answer - Both b&c

6. The National Income is equal to
a) GNP- Subsidies –Taxes
b) NNP-Direct taxes+ Subsides
c) NNP- Direct taxes - Subsidies
d) GNP- Subsidies +Taxes

Answer - NNP-Direct taxes+ Subsides

7. Net tax revenue + Total non tax revenue is
a) Capital receipts
b) Total revenue receipts
c) Debt receipts
d) None of these

Answer - Total revenue receipts

8. Which of the following aspects covered under economic feasibility of the project
a) Return on investment
b) Break Even Analysis
c) Marketing arrangements
d) Both a & b

Answer - Both a & b

9. ECGC of India Ltd is a corporation set up by the Government of indfa to encourage exporters & help the Exporting community and the financing bankers to mitigate the risks involved in their business of Exporting. The corporation does so by issue of
a) Financial guarantees to banks
b) Policies to exporters
c) Offering factoring services
d)All of the above

Answer - All of the above

10. YTM of a Bond is also known as
a) Internal rate of return
b) Current yield
c) Net Present Value
d) All of the Above

Answer - Internal rate of return


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